TEM analyses of Na,Ca carbonate nanoparticles in sample OREX-800045-102 for McCoy-Russell Nature paper
These data include the results of TEM analyses on sample OREX-800045-102 nanoparticles which were dispersed on a TEM mesh grid. The focus of these analyses were Na,Ca carbonates featured in the McCoy-Russell Nature paper, including grains 11, 22, and 27. The grains most closely match gaylussite or pirssonite and are consistent with formation at low temperature in Na-rich fluids. The grains were electron-beam sensitive and amorphized rapidly. This study represents the first identification of these phases in astromaterials.
Analytical Methods
How To Cite
Brenker, F., Singerling, S., 2024. TEM analyses of Na,Ca carbonate nanoparticles in sample OREX-800045-102 for McCoy-Russell Nature paper, Version 1.0. Astromaterials Data Archive. https://doi.org/10.60707/qmnt-fw27 Accessed 2025-02-17.
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Funding Sources
This material is supported by NASA under contract NNM10AA11C issued through the New Frontiers program. Additional support through DFG and the Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Stiftung.